Foxford Community Garden

Growing food for all in our community

What we do

The Foxford Community Garden is a new and thriving small community garden. It encourages people of all ages and walks of life to start growing.We aim to nurture those with an interest in growing plants, flowers and basic fruit and vegetables. Distributing the produce to the community, to those who worked in the garden and to the social services of Foxford.We post on Facebook from time to time so make sure to check us out and Like our page.

Foxford Garden

How Foxford is benefitting from the Community Garden

The produce we harvest from the Community Garden goes back to the gardeners who work in the garden.The local children from the National and Secondary Schools, Scouts and Foroige benefit by learning how to sow, grow and harvest. We also show the children of Foxford how to appreciate where our food comes from.The Active Retirement Association benefit in the same way and from the social interaction with the youth of the community.Those who avail of the Meals on Wheels service also benefit from the Community Garden as our chemical-free, locally grown vegetables are included in their daily meal.We have built a relationship with Hope House who kindly donated seeds to the garden and they also include our produce in their meals.

See the Garden in Action

Take a little peek behind the scenes of what happens in our lovely garden.

Future plans for the Community Garden

Grant funding and donations to date have allowed us to purchase a sizeable polytunnel to extend our growing season.- Throughout the year, a shed for storing tools and fencing are our next achievable goals for 2021.
- We hope to build and sow native Irish wildflowers to attract Pollinators to our garden.
- We also plan to put up a Little Free Library to hold a collection of gardening books that were kindly donated to the Community Garden for our budding gardeners.
If you would like to help out or get involved, please get in touch via the contact form below.

Get involved

We are always welcoming new members so if you would like to get involved, feel free to contact us via the form below, and one of our gardeners will get back to you.

Where are we

If you feel like popping down for a look, we are situated behind the Foxford Playground which is located beside St. Michaels Church.Directions 🚶

Site created by Tomás Guiry 👌